Penis Length Relative Inadequacy

normal penis sizeSince ancient times, the concept of male strength has been associated with the onset of male puberty. Among the indigenous tribes of all continents, the penis was not covered by clothing, therefore, in absolutely natural conditions, the idea of stretching the penis with the help of weights arose to lengthen it.The world's first device to non-invasively extend the penis was the JES Extender, launched in 1993. It was invented by Dr. Jorn Eje Siana from Copenhagen, Denmark.Dissatisfaction with the length and size of your penis can lead to a complex, a lack of confidence in your sexual abilities, and thus strain in your relationship with your partner. All of this can significantly reduce the quality of sexual life, bring disharmony to intimate relationships, and even lead to stress and neurosis, including psychological impotence. Therefore, the subjective evaluation of the penis becomes the cause of a significant decrease in the quality of life, and insufficient penis length and volume become not only a sexual but also a medical problem.

What type of penis is considered normal?

The normal length of an erect penis is considered to be between 12 and 18 centimeters. The average length of the male penis is 15. 8 cm. A penis less than 9. 6 cm in length is considered a micropenis, and a penis less than 2 cm long is considered a micropenis. Small penis.In some cases, men are dissatisfied with the shape of their penis for subjective reasons or due to objective violations of the geometry of the penis (head deformation).Penis enlargement cannot be achieved through physical exercise because the male penis is made up of blood vessels rather than muscle tissue. That's why the usual muscle-twitching practices won't help make your penis fuller.Despite the variety of recommendations related to penis enlargement, the only truly effective solution to the problem today remains plastic surgery, which can be used to lengthen and/or increase the size of a man's penis.

How is penis enlargement surgery performed?

The surgery is performed via scrotal access. To increase the length of the penis, the ligaments that support the penis from above are crossed and moved (changed) to a new location. This allows you to release the part of your penis that is hidden inside you by pushing it out. The length was redistributed in order to increase its hanging portion. The increase in penis length is determined by its physiological curvature - the length of the inner part that is anchored to ligaments.This surgery is called a ligamentotomy.Penis enlargement surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes no more than 45 minutes. You will spend the first day after surgery in the hospital at our clinic. After surgery, the doctor will give the patient an extension pill. After 11-12 days, the sutures will be removed. The recovery period is three weeks, after which you can resume your normal sex life.Three months after wearing the extender (there is no burden when using the penis extender. It can be worn all day or 3 times a day for 4 hours each time or 8 hours at night. At the same time, the patient can stand, walk, sit, lie down, and sleep. Wearing the extender for 3 months will result in an extension of 3-4 cm. Correct use of the extender will have no adverse reactions, will not make the penis thinner, and will have no impact on fertility and sexual function. This method can allow you to permanently enlarge your penis. length), you will be able to evaluate the final result of the surgery. However, wearing zxtender can be extended for up to 6 months for better results.Normally, the increase in penis length after surgery in our clinic is 3-5 cm, but it can also reach 7 cm. No non-surgical method of increasing penis length can provide such results.Another important advantage of surgically increasing the length of your penis is that the results achieved will last a lifetime. This way, you solve the problem of insufficient penis length once and for all.Contraindications to penis enlargement surgery:
  • bleeding disorders,
  • decompensated forms of diabetes,
  • sexually transmitted diseases,
  • Acute inflammatory processes in the genitourinary area (urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis),
  • neoplastic disease,
  • insanity,
  • genital herpes,
  • Cuts or ulcers on the penis.
Penis enlargement in a professional cosmetic and medical clinic is an opportunity to quickly eliminate the causes of penis dissatisfaction, such as:
  • Penis length is not enough,
  • Insufficient penis thickness,
  • Psychological discomfort related to insufficient penis size,
  • Lack of self-esteem in intimate relationships,
  • Sexual disharmony is associated with a lack of confidence in men's abilities.
With the help of in-office plastic surgery, you can increase the length, diameter, and length and diameter of your penis. During an initial consultation with our experts, we will develop a personalized surgical plan for you based on your wishes for future penis size.

increase penis thickness

If you think your penis is not thick enough, we have several surgical options for you.Penis enlargement can be achieved through classic fat filling. Lipofilling involves injecting a man’s own fat tissue under the skin. The volume of fat tissue to be injected is calculated taking into account that half of the amount will be processed by the body. When this happens, the penis will gain even thickening and a natural appearance. Therefore, it is not possible to differentiate between artificial penis thickness and natural penis thickness from the outside.Another way to clinically increase penile thickness is to introduce a gel preparation (hyaluronic acid) under the penile skin and head.The doctor chooses the best method based on the characteristics of the body and the patient's wishes.There is a saying: "It's not the size, it's the technique", but despite this, the vast majority of men want to increase the length of their penis by at least a few centimeters. There is currently a huge increase in the number of surgeries to increase the length of the penis, and the number is growing rapidly every day, even though 90% of men who want surgery have normal penis lengths. The reasons for this widespread concern are dissatisfaction with the quality of sexual life and the desire for a larger penis as an added factor for visual sexual stimulation.The desire to increase penis length is also psychological in nature. Because men know that a smaller penis size is less likely to impress a woman and make her want sexual intercourse. As a result, various complexes, phobias, and self-doubts arise. Penis size is one of the decisive factors in individual male achievement, which undoubtedly affects the quality of life.You can take the first step towards new opportunities by making an appointment with a uro-andrologist at a professional aesthetic and medical clinic. An experienced doctor will tell you what to do in each specific situation.